Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Window Maker: A Unique Window Manager

I love to "monk around" with everything Linux, and that includes the many window managers available.

If you follow my blog you know my penchant for Openbox.

It's time though to bring this old trooper into the lime light.

Window Maker has been around for a long time. It was first released in 1997.

Even though it is an older title, the Window Maker team keep it current.

In fact, version 0.95.6 was just released on August 30th 2014. (Info thanks to http://windowmaker.org/news.php.)

What's so unique about it is, it doesn't look like any of the other Linux window manager options, it's unique, and it's blazing fast, which you expect from a window manager.

And yet it gives you that nostalgic feeling, which I personally enjoy.

Here is my screenshot: (Click to enlarge)

I find it rather easy to set up. You see I have all my most used apps on the top, and my useful tools on the right side.

Setting a background is just a simple cli command (very simple, in fact.)
It's wmsetbg -s -u [filename.jpg] (-s sets it to scale, -u updates the info so next time your choice will automatically show up, otherwise the wallpaper will revert).

Creating icons is as easy as starting the program, grabbing the icon it creates on the lower left hand corner, putting it in one of the tool button holders (like the buttons you see here) and right clicking it, choosing settings, and then locking it so you don't accidentally discard it.

In many ways Window Maker is like how I envision Openbox. It's the plate and cutlery you then fill with your favorite food.

So I added wicd-gtk for easy wifi connecting, xfce4-screenshooter for screenshots (My fave screenshot utility of all time, fast reliable) and pavucontrol (Pulse Audio Volume Control) for audio volume control.

I also added gmrun, because it's my favorite run dialogue box.

It will never replace XFCE for me, I'm an ardent fan. However, I like to meander to different window managers and desktop environments as my mood determines, and this is one of my favorites to return to.

In Ubuntu it's as easy as sudo apt-get install wmaker in a terminal window. Or you could use the software center or synaptic.

For more information, you can check out these links:

Window Maker's Wikipedia page

Window Maker.org - Window Maker's Official Page

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