Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I am writing today about my favorite mini linux os, Wolvix.

I have been looking for quite some time now for a debian linux os that is compact like Damn Small Linux, but has all the functionality of a full os.

This is a hard thing to pull off, since there are so many applications to consider.

Damn Small Linux is a nice tool for fixing linux and a few other applications, but is terrible as a main everyday os.

An os like Ubuntu is huge and has a lot of aplications ill never use, but is fully functional for an average day of duties.

I am looking for an operating system in the middle.

One that is as compact as possible, but can still do everything Ubuntu can if and when needed, and in an easy to use setting.

Wolvix almost does this. I love Wolvix, except for the fact that it doesn't use the regular debian packages, which means it's always a league behind the debian releases.

Still, if you're hunting for a similar os, consider Wolvix.


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