Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Installation guide for Slitaz 5 Rolling release

This guide is for machines that will only have Slitaz installed, not other Linux OS's or Windows versions. Following these instructions will remove any and all other OS's, and install Slitaz.

All of these pictures enlarge if you click them.

 First, under system tools, choose slitaz installer.

When this comes up, the password is root.

 Choose "install slitaz"

Next we need to set up a partition for slitaz. So choose "execute gparted"

Under device, choose "create partition table".

Make sure this box says "msdos", then click "apply" 

right click the un-allocated space and choose "new"

If you just want to use all the space available on the hard drive for slitaz, just click "add" here

You need to "apply all operations" to make these changes

after all the operations are completed, close this dialogue box.

right click the newly created partition, and and choose "manage flags"

choose "boot" here (it will be check marked) then click close.

close the gparted program, and then choose "continue installation" here. 

Where it says "install slitaz to partition:" choose our newly made ext4 partition

change the root password, the user login and the user password to whatever you like.
Remember to write this stuff down, unless you are certain you won't forget.

Make sure to select "install a bootloader", then click "proceed to slitaz installation"

this is the window that lets you know what slitaz is currently doing in the installation process.

when slitaz tells you in the text on the left that it is done. shut down the machine, remove any usb or cd-rom media in the machine, and reboot.

You should now be booting into a newly installed Slitaz.

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