Saturday, October 31, 2015, free and easy dictations

I stumbled onto quite on accident . I don't like using the keyboard on my Chromebook because it's so easy to miss type things and the bump things like the touch sensitive screen or track pad . Searching Chrome's App Store I found a plugin for this website .

I am using this website right now to type this article . It is very accurate and the commands are easy to use. Here is what the authors of have to say about their wonderful product .

"Speech Recognition in the Browser

With Dictation, you can use the magic of speech recognition to write emails, narrate essays and long documents in the browser without touching the keyboard.

To get started, just connect the microphone to your computer and click the Start Dictation button.

Dictation uses your browser's local Storage to save all the transcribed text automatically as you speak. That means you can close the browser and it will resume from where you left off.

The app internally uses the built-in speech recognition engine of Google Chrome to transform your voice into digital text.

Speak in your Native Language

You don't have to speak in English as Chrome's engine can recognize quite a few languages including Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Malay, Indonesian and more. Dictation will automatically determine your browser's default launguage and uses it for subsequent transcriptions.

Hindi and other Indian languages aren't supported at this time.

Written by Amit Agarwal for Digital Inspiration." -

Here is a nice intro video for using

Here are he commands thanks to

1. Say "New Paragraph" to begin a new paragraph

2. Say "Comma", "Full Stop", "Question Mark" for punctuation

This is one handy tool. -Denny