I found this unique software while rummaging through Ubuntu blogs. It's a unique little player that will play the audio stream from many sources including YouTube right on your website.
Here's the blurb from http://scmplayer.net/, the home of SCM:
"SCM Music Player is a free and open source web music player, that brings a seamless music experience to your website. Support Tumblr, Blogger and various blogs.
Continuous Playback Cross Pages - Seamless playback throughout your website.
Full Featured Control - Play, pause, next, previous, seek, shuffle, repeat mode, volume and more.
Custom Skins - Match your look and feel. Choose or design your own skin with CSS.
Dynamic Playlist - Music from various sources: MP3, SoundCloud, YouTube, RSS in HTML5 or Flash.
Flexible UI - Dockable player on top or bottom. Playlist can be toggled.
Setup Wizard - Create your SCM Music Player without any pain."
You can choose from the default skins (which are pictured directly below this sentence), or you can create a custom skin.
Here is a list of more features, again thanks to http://scmplayer.net/ :
"SCM Music Player provides full featured control on your music. Apart from predefined configurations in Setup Wizard, you can also control SCM Music Player in various ways:
Custom Skins
SCM Music Player skin is purely based on CSS, which is easy to customize. You can check over the source to see how they look like.
Javascript Methods
You can also control SCM Music Player via Javascript. The script exposes SCM to global scope with the following methods.
Plays the current song.
Pause the currently playing song.
Loads the previous song in playlist.
Loads the next song in playlist.
Queue a song title x url y to the playlist.
Add a song title x url y to the playlist and play it.
Sets the volume. Accepts an integer vol between 0 and 100.
Change skin of SCM Music Player, with x being the link to a custom skin css file.
Change placement of the player bar. Accepts a string pos 'top' or 'bottom'
Loads the specified playlist url x.
SCM.loadPlaylist([{title:'x1',url:'y1'}, {title:'x2',url:'y2'}, ...]);
Loads the specified list of songs with their title and url respectively.
Set the repeat mode of playlist. Accepted values of no are:
0 (play playlist once), 1 (repeat playlist), 2 (repeat item).
Set whether playback order should be shuffled. Accepts a boolean x true or false.
Set whether playlist is being shown. Accepts a boolean x true or false."
The set up I saw was playing that new popular song from the Disney movie Frozen, thanks to the YouTube video's audio stream.
While this is not my style, it could make for a great addition to something like a gaming blog, for instance.
If you like the idea of a music player that can get content from somewhere besides your personal hard drive or cloud share, this is the player for you.
SCM. http://scmplayer.net/